Local Green Bay IT Specialists (920) 569-2681


Do You Really Need A Fixed Cost IT Managed Services Plan?

Why Paying Hourly For Your Computer Services Is A Better Business Decision.

One of our primary areas of focus is the provision of outsourced IT support services for local small businesses that have no or minimal in-house IT support staff. As an outsourced IT department, we can either provide fully managed IT support services for an organization, function strictly on an as-needed basis, or more commonly, provide some combination of those two models, based on client needs and preferences. From our office located in downtown West De Pere, we provide in-store, on-site and remote computer support and repair services for business and individual clients throughout greater Green Bay Wisconsin and beyond. We work with all types of personal computers (PC's), including Apple / Mac products and laptops, as well as most types of servers and network equipment.

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Windows 7 End of Life

As of January 14th, 2020 Microsoft has ended support for almost all versions of Windows 7. This means that Microsoft will no longer release any future updates or security patches, nor provide technica..

What is Ransomware?

Ransomware is a type of computer infection that uses encryption to lock a user out of all of their personal or business files. After all of the files on the system have been encrypted, a message is di..

Windows 10 Update Causes an Error with Printing Function

Windows 10 is the latest release of Microsoft's popular operating system and like other versions of Windows before it, receives a steady stream of weekly updates. However unlike previous Windows 10 is..

Malicious Software Found In Apple App Store

Computer security researchers have discovered numerous popular apps that contained malicious code in Apple's App Store. These malicious apps managed to pass Apple's strict scrutinization and become av..

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