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Digmine Malware Warning

There is a new strain of malware, called Digmine, being spread through the popular social media platform, Facebook. According to the Trend Micro security research blog, this malware is spreading through the desktop versions of Facebook messenger in the Google Chrome web browser.digmine-malware-blog-post-image Digmine has only been spotted in eastern countries such as Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines, but there is great concern from security researchers that this malware will spread to the rest of the world with relative ease.

Digmine is sent to potential victims through Facebook messenger disguised as a video file. If the file is opened then the malware will install a cryptocurrency-mining program and malicious Google Chrome extensions. Cryptocurrency is a form of digital currency that is essentially untraceable. Digmine will use your system to create the cryptocurrency without your knowledge or consent. This process will use up your computer’s resources and hinder its performance while you are trying to use it.

If you think you may have received an infected video from Facebook messenger, are unsure if your system is infected, or if your system is not performing normally, feel free to contact one of our friendly IT support technicians at (920) 569-2681. If you live in the greater Green Bay / De Pere area, you can stop in and see us for some advice at our office located at 400 Reid Street in De Pere, WI.